
List: Warrior Basic Career Rogue Basic Career Arcane Grifter
Cost: 4 / 8
Prereqs: Any Weapon Skill
Skill Type: Martial
Tagged: Yes
Purchase: Multi
Duration: 5 Seconds

A character can use this skill to disarm another character’s weapon or any other in-game or in-play (you cannot disarm a coffee cup or a spell packet for example) item held in that arm. To use the skill, the character only has to hit the weapon or target character – but not their shield if they are wielding it – to disarm the character.

If your target is wielding a one-handed weapon or holding an object in one hand, you only have to hit them once, and use one purchase of the Disarm skill to disarm them. If the target character is wielding a two- handed weapon or holding an object with two hands, you would need to hit them twice, and use two purchases of the Disarm skill. However, one limb is still unusable for 5 seconds, but the target character can still hold their weapon with the other hand.

To use this skill, the character must call “Disarm” after the blow is delivered followed by any special damage modifiers, such as “Magic”, “Silver”, etc., and the arm – either left or right. For example, “Disarm Magic, Right Arm”. If the character does not designate an arm, then the target can choose which limb – even if there is nothing in that hand – and, if struck multiple times with multiple disarms, can choose the same arm for all attacks.

A character that has been disarmed must drop what is in that hand and cannot use that arm for 5 seconds. They cannot pick up their weapon nor do any other in-game action with that arm for 5 seconds. The character should drop their weapon at their feet; they cannot throw the weapon behind them or to another character.

If the item in the character’s hand is attuned to the character, then the character does not have to drop the item, but they still cannot use that arm for the full 5 seconds. An Attachment spell or a Paste of Stickiness will not prevent the character from losing the weapon or item in their hand.

This skill can be used with ranged attacks. The same rules as above apply, so you only have to strike the target in a legal combat location to disarm a limb.

Shields cannot be disarmed if wielded, but if the character is simply holding the shield then it can be disarmed by striking that character.

This skill can be used to parry a Disarm skill. It cannot be used to parry any other martial attack or for another character. The character should call “Retain” when they use this skill to stop a disarm attempt. This skill is stopped by any defense that stops martial attacks.

When this skill is used offensively, it is not used if the character misses their target or the attack is blocked. If they succeed in striking their target or if the target calls an appropriate defense the skill is used. This skill is always used when used to parry a Disarm skill.

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